
Sunday, 22 May 2011

Sizzix Die idea

It's the Week-end!

I got some Sizzix dies recently and because I teach classes I have decided to stick the printed sleeve that comes in the box to the actual die so that my students can see what they are about to use. I find that clear visual prompts are so much better than turning the die over and trying to make the pattern out of the black rubber.

First I cut the paper to the size of the die. Then I put my broad double sided tape on the back, corner round it, peel off the tape backing and stick it to the die the right way up.

Here is how I did it in pictures!


  1. What a great idea bella!! love it!! Hope all good with you....busy here week off soon so cannot wait xx


  2. Fab idea! Wish I hadn't thrown all mine away when I moved into the Studio! Oh well! One lives and learns!!!

  3. Super idea Bella....tx for sharing I need to go and FIND all my covers....hope I didn't chuck them yet....


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