
Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Whats on your workdesk Wednesday 102

Here we are on Wednesday again and time to go desk hopping. Julia over at Stamping Ground is the wonderful hostess of this concept so visit her and join in! Where I live in South Africa it is voting day for local constituencies so we have "the day off" because the government made it a public holiday. Like we needed another one... we have just recovered from a whole set of them in April! For those of us who have our own businesses, this is a right royal pain as deliveries etc get all mucked up AGAIN, life was just back to normal (such as what is normal anyway...)! I worked this morning as for me "no work - no pay" is just not an option as I haven't recovered from last months 10 days unpaid leave...

Enough grouching from me - here is what is on my desk. My mom is having a clean out (after 30 years) and I am the happy recipient of these vintage books and her traveling typewriter! There was also a box of my old toys which have come home to roost and so I still need to go through that. Another day though, cos now I want to play with these finds.

Oh the other thing I have done in the last week is put stickers on my Distress ink pads and coloured them so I can see which one is which at a glance. I think it was Minxy's desk that I saw this idea on, but I thought it a great one and set to implementing it immediately.

I also got hold of a whole lot of Keizer Kraft pouches which I moved my clear stamps into so that I can flip through them easily. These now stand on top of my pidgin holes and are easy to reach.


  1. Glad to see i was able to help make your inkpad selection that much easier :D I'd be lost if mine weren't labeled!
    Loving the old typewriter, and nice thats its an heirloom too :D
    Happy Wednesday x

  2. OMG ... I want that typewriter ... How cool is that ... I know my mum has an old one somewhere ... I just need to convince her to part with it!

  3. Love the books and the typewriter. Wonder if my mum still has hers.... Hope you get over having to have another day off!!

  4. You are the luckyest....! That typewriter is the best! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Now those pouches are of massive interest. Will have to get me investigating head on! Meantime, I'm on your side about the holiday thing. Although it was a lovely long holiday!!

  6. Love the typewriter and books! Good idea about the color display, I'll have to do that one too.

  7. Hi! I'm following your blog now and thank you for following mine (Created by Kris). I, too, label my ink pads so I can see them from the side. Makes it much easier.

  8. Hi there Bella, and yes have been following to not sure when I joined!!

    Oh I love your storage and can see am going to need to get some stickers on the side of my pads not sure it will work as store mine on top of one another in a drawer and not see through on side. I dont think it is anyway?? I will check it out I love it all. Thanks for sharing and popping over, Shaz in Oz.x

  9. Thanks for an interesting snoop.. .fab stuff, especially the typewriter!
    JoZarty x

  10. As a contractor I feel your pain of unpaid time off, whether for personal or public holidays or through sickness! Lovely vintage treasures and great storage ideas too.

    Brenda 84

  11. Oh what a delight that typewriter and old books are! I'm sure the toys bring back some nice memories too. Great job on the labelling- that'll certainly make you work faster. Here in the Philippines our President is in charge of dispensing holidays and yes, it is a pain when there are too many unscheduled ones! Patsy from


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