
Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Whats on My Workdesk Wednesday 275? Hats!

Well I have been AWOL for a while on a Wednesday.  Life just gets too busy some times and that is what is so nice about this group.  You are not obliged to play along EVERY week.  Just when you can.  Phew. No pressure! Thanks Julia!

I have been busy with a series of hat samples to time myself for an upcoming project of HUGE proportions.  I am not scared of the scale of the project, but the pricing.  Hence the samples to see how long it takes me and how much materials will cost etc.  I am getting there, one hat at a time!

The white one is my current hat in progress, the "fancy" bits and trimmings still need to go on.  The black one balancing precariously on the angle poise lamp is mine and the others are for 3 gents.  If you have time later you can click here to take you to the post where I show step out pics of how I made the brown hat.


  1. coo these are so impressive Bella...just adore the embossed detail on them! how clever are you?? off to peek at the brown one, happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #13

  2. I read the hat post when you posted it, and it was fascinating. Looks like you have quite a production line going!
    Most of my stamps are in the wooden boxes behind the paints and things in the second shot - there are loads of them!! I keep the paperartsy ones at the front as I use them all the time! Helen 6

  3. I am always so impressed by your projects. such huge undertakings (at least to me) and you always finish them. Theses hats are amazing! Diane #16

  4. Wow! Bella. You are working SO hard on these - they are quite amazing. Trust the local coffee shop is going to pay you loads as you do their installation.
    Thanks for visiting, and for your lovely comments. It didn't look bad, did it?
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  5. Oh Em Gee Bella, that is some collection of hat! You could have your own Halloween part with these beauties... I do hope you get paid well for this fantastic work! Love the one with the cogs but they are all beautiful... Anne x

  6. You have certainly found your forte. Those hats (and the bodice on the right) are fantastic! Now to hop to your other page to see how you did them as I fancy having a hat like this,
    Hugs, Neet 35 xx

  7. Amazing projects and the amount of detail you add is incredible. Pricing is always hard as people do not appreciate the amount of time and effort. Wonderful job.
    Sandra de @26

  8. Wow, wow, wow - these are AMAZING! Clever you, always trying something a little different. I like that about you! Good luck with the project :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 30 xx

  9. They are wonderful - quite unique. Enjoy! Chris # 34

  10. Those hats are wonderful. Thanks for sharing your workspace today. Hope you have a great day and a lovely crafting week to come. Hazel, WOYWW #45 x

  11. G'day there Bella. Just dropping by for WOYWW. I haven't played for a few months but remembered today. OMG the steampunk hats are gorgeous Bella...I adore steampunk!!!
    Annette In Oz #46

  12. Gorgeous. If I could have a hat like that I might even actually wear one :) Really love the detail and so glad to see close ups.

    I see you wearing a hat in your gravatar, but is it one of these?? It looks sparkly...

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (2)

  13. Wow! The hats looks stunning! Wish I had one of those!
    Thank you for commenting in my blog after the Marjie-feature!

  14. goodness I can see why you cant get your head around christmas your too busy what stunning hats I dont think ive ever seen anything quite so impressive they are amazing. thanks for visiting and have a happy week ahead crafty hugs Andrea #18

  15. I love that youve changed your profile pic to include a hat! I wonder how the cost measures here...they must take a while. That said, Ohmy, they look fabulous! great to see you, anytime!

  16. These projects are quite an undertaking but are great when finished. Have a good week and happy crafting, Angela x 44

  17. I'm back Bella. Where do you get the sticky backed foil and the steampunk embossing folders and dies?. Please can you e-mail me the details if you can to as your hats have sparked a huge creative idea mode for me hugs Annette In Oz

  18. Hats off to you. as the sample Queen, I'm glad to see you take the time to make samples. It saves time and frustration in the long run.
    thanks for visiting and the snoop around.
    Robyn 22

  19. Welcome back to WOYWW!! I have to take breaks for various reasons every now and then, but it's always nice to know I can come back at any time!

    Your hats are phenomenal!!! I can't wait to hear more about the huge project!!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Amy E. #3

  20. OMG it's amZing you have any time to eat or sleep they are wonderful .... So cool I want one!
    I had a quick look at the making pop back when I have more time LOL
    Are they for a class can imagine paying a lot but totally worth it... Hats off to you Bella
    Janet @9

  21. WOW! I love the detail to each of these. I hope you've shared a link with Tim Holtz. He would flip for these! Creative Blessings! Kelly #67

  22. WOW! I love the detail to each of these. I hope you've shared a link with Tim Holtz. He would flip for these! Creative Blessings! Kelly #67

  23. These are fantastic, there is so much detail on the hats. I'm amazed at how creative all you Woyww'ers are. I would never think of something like that. Just fabulous.
    Have a great week,
    Von #39

  24. I just love these hats and wish I could steal one from your desk! You are giving me great ideas about my small project of a steam punk dashboard! Just need the rest of the car done first!

  25. wow, wow, wow....these are amazing.

    Will pop back to have a proper look around your blog as I think it deserves a proper sit down with a cuppa :-)

    Thanks for visiting my desk already
    kyla #8

  26. Late visitor!
    Bella those hats are wonderful, very impressive. I hope your customer appreciates them and thinks they are worth the investment.
    Thanks for visiting me, I would love a cleaning lady, but I would have to pay her so much I would have to go out to work!
    Chris #11


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