Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Tim Holtz December tag 2015

 I recently taught a technique tag class and had designed 4 of the 5 tags... I had hit a blank on the 5th one and no matter what I tried or put together, it did not seem right.  Then it was Tim to the rescue with his December tag inspiration on Tuesday the 1st, not a day too soon as my class was on the Friday, so I had 2 days to design my tag and kit up!
I did not have his punches, so decided to go back to his tags from 4 years ago when he last did a wreath... then I added the typewriter from another tag done that year and was finished!
12 tags of 2015 - December | www.timholtz.com
This is Tim's tag and you can find his instructions here!


  1. Your tag is brilliant, I love your improvised wreath, it looks so beautiful with those pops of red and your background is gorgeous! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas season. Hugs, Anne xx

  2. Great improvisation! LOVE the berries too! Merry Christmas!

  3. Love your take on Tim's tag. Looks like you have been busy too. Merry Christmas to you and your family :D

  4. Great tag Bella.
    Happy New Year!!


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