Thursday, 18 November 2021

Tamar's triptych canvas set


Dear reader

Here are the 3 cutest little canvases made by Tamar using the new Lady Vagabond Lifestyle moulds.  I love how she has used the original Lady Vagabond mould of the lady together with all the other new ones.  She has also used the Chipboards from the Romantic Sea collection.  This is what is so lovely about Stamperia products, they mix and match so well.

Tamar's hand gives you a better understanding of the tiny scale of these canvasses.
Such gorgeous textures in the background.
The way she has coloured the moulds is just gorgeous.

 Materials used:
Moulding paste K3p38w
Pasta scultura k3p52
Extra forte glue
Mounds :
Gesso k3p08n
White cerantica k3p15L
Vintage paste koLBR
Soft clay k3p44

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