Tuesday, 7 October 2014

What's On My Workdesk Wednesday 279? Buck!

Well fellow Desker...instead of playing with the DIY straws as I had planned last Sunday...we went to see my Brother in Law who lives 2 hours drive away up the West Coast.  There we had the pleasure of getting close to some of our local wildlife.  My BIL moves wildlife from farm to farm and country to country for a living.  This little Gemsbok is being hand reared after he was orphaned at birth and is now 3 weeks old.  Here he is sucking on my finger while waiting for his bottle to be warmed!
This is my DH keeping him busy while he waits for his bottle.  Below is a photo I took off the web of what he will grow into!  In the top photo you can see his magnificent horns have already started to grow!
So this my dear friends is why I have nothing to show you on my desk!  Perhaps I will have a go at making something this Sunday. 


  1. Awe that is one cute buck have fun with him :) Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki My Space

  2. Ooh, I enjoyed seeing this little snapshot into your life! He's so cute and it made me smile to see him sucking on your fingers like that...cow calves do that too!! Hope you had a great time and thanks for dropping by :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 20 xx

  3. Oh my heart is melting what a brilliant desk post this week. I so would love to nurse feed that baby, he is so beautiful. Gosh I am really an animal lover.

    Thanks for sharing and what a fab job.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza, Yoda & Flat Susan #12

  4. What a fabulous job your bil has. Well, with animals like this but I guess he gets some that are not so cute. This little fella is adorable. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Neet 29 xx

  5. What a cute little fella he is but amazing what he will grow into!!!! Sounds like you had a great day! Thank you for the early visit
    Jackie 10

  6. How very cute he is! And how very impressive is the grown up version!
    That chipboard addiction is hard to control but I have SO much of it now I'm not even tempted to look when I'm at the shops :)

  7. How very cute he is! And how very impressive is the grown up version!
    That chipboard addiction is hard to control but I have SO much of it now I'm not even tempted to look when I'm at the shops :)

  8. what a cute baby! It is interesting how his horns and prominent coloring is already starting to show even though he is so young! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #25

  9. I love my crafting, but with a day out like that on offer I think I'd pick it too. Funny, it's like my post - kids little, kids grown. It's no different with animals...what they start as and what they become can surprise you :)

    I must say, those horns look deadly!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (4)

  10. The baby is lovely and your brother-in-law has a fantastic job.
    Hope you enjoyed your day out.
    Happy crafting when you get home.
    Angela x 39

  11. He is so cute. Love the pics. #2

  12. Beautiful and heartwarming photos, Bella. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #36 xx

  13. What a wonderful experience. Your bil has a great job. Enjoy your family time. Peg R. 44

  14. What a beautiful baby. Have a lovely week, Chris # 23

  15. Wow, he's a cutie now, but he's going to be a handsome fella some day!

    Thanks for sharing. :-)

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #27

  16. What a cute little gemsbok! Were you allowed to bottle feed it?
    Thank you for letting me peep over your shoulder.
    Have a good week.

  17. Thanks for dropping in on me earlier and for your lovely comments. I've spent today looking after the twins and playing nursemaid to my daughter and I'm pleased to say she is moving a little easier today and making a steady recovery if but still rather sore.
    You are soooo lucky....he's simply gorgeous.
    Annie x # 16

  18. Hi Bella
    Well how cute is he !
    Who could resist going to meet him rather than playing at your desk !
    And from the weather it looks like as I sit here with the rain lashing down, that summer is on it's way there !
    Keeping my fingers crossed that my envelope gets to you eventually !
    Hugs Ali xx

  19. Oo what a little cutie.... the Gemsbok isn't bad either LOL..... hope you get back to your desk soon. thanks for your visit
    janet @15

  20. Cute photos Belinda. I don't blame you for being out and about in the sunshine. Thanks for your visit earlier
    Have a happy week
    Lynda B 7

  21. I'm in love, it's so cute and will grow up to be so beautiful. I would pick cute and cuddly animals over crafting any day.
    Have a great week.
    Von #19 and my room is still tidyish!

  22. What an adorable little baby, Bella, and what a magnificent creature he will grow into! Amazing. What an interesting life you BIL must have.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #32

  23. He is adorable! He is living a charmed life I'm sure!!Have a fun visit.


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