I have received ATCs from Shaz in Oz, Nikki C in Canada and Sandra de also from Australia! What fun it has been to do the extra swaps and receive them early too!
On my desk today you can see me building storage for my Distress inks which normally lie in my vintage suit case at my feet, but I thought it would be easier if they were actually on my desk where I could see them. I designed it using 5mm and 2.5mm foam core board. The only glitch is that I did not realise that I had run out of 2.5mm which are the shelves I have scored in the 5mm sides...off to the shops for me later today I guess! So for now this is a mock up for you to see where I am going.
You can also see the old spice rack that I have now finished painting with the Annie Sloan chalk paint and found some jars for storage which have ready made blackboard squares on to write the contents onto!

Happy 5th Anniversary to you all!
The graphic is courtesy of Nikki C